How to move my wordpress development website to replace the current site?


Steps to Move Your WordPress Development Website to Replace the Current Site

The process of moving a WordPress site from development to live is pretty straightforward. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Back Up Your Websites

First of all, it’s very important to back up your current live site. You don’t want to lose all your data and hard work if something goes wrong.

Step 2: Move Your WordPress Files & Database

You’ll need to copy all your WordPress files and database over from your development site to your live site. For files:
– The context could be done by FTP or by a plugin like Duplicator or All-in-One WP Migration.For the database:
– You can do this using phpMyAdmin if you’re comfortable with that, or a plugin like WP Migrate DB.

Step 3: Update Your Files & Database

Once your files and database have been moved over, you’ll need to update them to reflect your live site’s domain and file paths.

Step 4: Update Your WordPress Configuration

Update your wp-config.php file with your new database information.

Step 5: Test Your Site

Test your site to make sure that everything is working as expected. While these steps provide an overview on how to move a WordPress development website to replace a current live site, it requires some technical expertise. At Synapse Team, we deliver professional WordPress Development Services and can assist you in this task. Our team not only ensures a seamless transition of the site but also provides support to make any necessary adjustments after the site goes live. Why not let us handle the technical parts while you focus on what matters most – your business. Feel free to contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive WordPress services.


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